Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 3 - already seems long

I find myself thinking about food A LOT.  Not just about eating food, or wanting to eat food, but how I treat food and how I use it as a reward, or relief from boredom.  I'm realizing that I need to have a change of mindset if this is going to work.  It is going to be a lifestyle change - but slowly.  I can seriously feel the sugar deprivation - my head hurts, and I feel like I might bite somebody's leg, especially if it's made of chocolate.  :)  But I'm trying to make sure I'm getting enough magnesium to stop the chocolate cravings, and the shakes (yes, I'm using Slim-Fast right now, give me crap about it AFTER I lose 10 pounds) seem to relieve it.  I'm not a big fan of Slim-Fast, nutritionally - if you really look at the ingredients, they're pretty gross.  That being said, I need a kickstart to stay encouraged, so I'm going to use them for a few weeks to get the process going, which should give me some time to formulate a healthy diet plan.  I'm also using a fat burner - nothing with hokey crap or ephedra.  Just EGCG from green tea and some kelp, a thermogenic/thyroid booster.  And I know it's working - I'm breaking a sweat just doing my job every day.  I'm just focusing on the positive.  So wish me luck!

Already lost three pounds!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Changing bad habits

Food has been mostly pleasure and comfort to me for the last seven years or so, and despite knowing better, I have eaten an immense amount of crap food for some time.  I know exactly what I need to do to lose weight, improve my health....I just don't do it.  Everyone likes to talk about this diet and that exercise program and this pill.  The bottom line is, I like to eat more than I like to move.  Period.  It's like watching Dr. Phil...he sits there and tells people how to conduct their lives - and they should ALREADY KNOW, if they had any common sense, which they obviously don't.  Or, maybe it's just easier to be a schmuck.  So I guess, for some time now, I found it easier to be lazy and buy larger clothes.  But in the last six months, it's finally become an issue for me.  It's easy to say that I don't care about the aesthetics - but frankly, that's a lie.  Because I don't even want people taking pictures of me at this weight.  I say I would like to lose weight for my health, and to have some more energy, but looks aren't the issue - well, that's half true.  Being fat sucks.  I do care about how I look, but it's been easier to just look in the mirror less. 

I'm done.

I think that the beginning of my battle is learning to look at food as fuel, and not as pleasure, comfort or reward.  It seems like a simple thing - but I'm pretty sure it's easier said than done.  I will need to find new ways to treat myself.  I will get off my ass everyday and move.  I will stop eating everything in the house when I'm stressed, or bored, or hormonal (which, thanks to perimenopause, is EVERY FREAKIN' DAY).  I'm looking for tools to help me with this process - I want a healthy relationship with food again.  Hmmmm....maybe getting out of the natural food business wasn't a good idea after all.  :)  So if any of you have any ideas, feel free to pass them along.  I need all the help I can get.

I was planning to post my weight on here, and track it as it drops....but frankly, I'm too embarrassed to post my starting weight.  Which should tell me something, don't you think?  However, as this process goes on, I will post my losses and triumphs - and sometimes, my backward slides.

Goal #1 - lose 20 pounds by March 31st.  We will be heading for Mexico for Smitty's wedding, and if I need to stand on the beach in a sundress, I would rather not have people exclaim "What kind of whale is that on the beach?" when they look at the wedding pictures.  So, here we go!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Power of Music

I have found myself slipping away from my passion for music the last few years, as I indulge in other forms of media.  Today, I'm asking myself why - I ALWAYS feel better when I'm listening to, performing or playing music.  As I sit here ruminating, I am listening to Mike's playlist on UStream.  Such wonderful gems floating by - John Lennon, Boz Scaggs, Little River Band, Tom Jones (yes, THAT Tom Jones) - and it reminds me of how easy it is to leave behind those things that really have meaning to us, while we worry about the things we think are important right now (and really aren't).  Music has the power to bring back memories, strengthen friendships and get them started, make us break into song, dance with joy, make a bad day better, connect us to people we may have nothing more in common with than love of a single song.  Music really is the universal language, and I am grateful that God blessed me with the gift of being able to make it as well as appreciate it.  Right now I'm listening to "Six Months in a Leaky Boat" by Split Enz - it reminds me of being a teenager, with no more responsibility than cleaning my room and going to school, hanging out with my best friend and singing at the top of our lungs in the car.  Of course, when I listen to this song in the car, I still sing at the top of my lungs - how can you not?   Music has connected me to some of the best friends I have.  Mike and I met because of our mutual love of music, and despite our difficulties, it has kept us friends, for which I am grateful - not only because I need a good tech when my stuff breaks down, but because he has much better resources for putting all these tunes together.  :)  Haha.  So today, I am ignoring my TV, and using my computer to listen to tunes courtesy of my favorite DJ.  And sometime in the near future, I intend to get my hands on a keyboard and start playing again.  It's time.

Movie Song of the Day - "Run and Tell That"  from Hairspray

P.S.  Pete Postlethwaite, one of the most amazing actors on the planet, passed away Sunday after a long battle with cancer.  RIP, Pete - we'll never forget you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2

Did I do something nice for somebody today?  I did - Dave and I went to my friend's house to help get it cleaned up and ready to put on the market.  So if you know anyone in the market for a five bedroom house in Kent, WA please let me know.  We have to get this thing sold so she can buy a more permanent residence in Hawaii.  I'll admit to being torn about that - I would love to be able to visit her over there as often as I can afford it.  But having her that far away is still going to suck. 

I've been cleaning all afternoon, and I still reek of Simple Green - time to take a hot shower and hit the Tempur-pedic.  Aloha!

Movie Quote of the Day - "The Price is Wrong, bitch!"  Happy Gilmore

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Star Trek - issues with the future

I've just watched J.J Abrams' Star Trek again, for the ____ time (I'm not telling you how many times I've seen it), because frankly, I loved it.  I realize that many Trek purists have their issues with this movie, but I'm sure they would have complained about this film no matter how it was made - you just can't make all of the geeks happy all of the time.  However, if these folks would loosen up the collars of their homemade Starfleet uniforms and relax a bit, they might appreciate this homage/update for what it is.  This is a nearly perfect film, from the organic filming techniques that keep it from looking too slick, to some seriously spot-on casting.  I don't know about you, but the first time I saw Zachary Quinto as Spock, the hair stood up on the back of my neck.  And the unbelievable beauty shot of the Enterprise rising out of the rings of Saturn actually brought tears to my eyes.  Yes, I'm a HUGE geek, I admit it freely.  But one of the things I love about movies is an appreciation for what movie makers are trying to accomplish.  And I have to say it....kudos to J.J and Karl Urban for their update of McCoy, my all-time favorite character.  Cynical, grouchy, combative - and sexy?  Who'dve thunk?

That being said, in more words than was truly necessary, I have two serious complaints about this vision of the future.... 

Why, when man has ventured out into the universe, explored strange new worlds, spent time seeking out new life and new civilizations, and created a way to travel faster than the speed of light, has he not found a way to make the birth process painless? 

And why, in the name of God, are humans still drinking Budweiser? (this applies now, too)

Just curious.

2011 - The Year of Recovery

Well, you have to start somewhere.  I'm sure that to start with, this blog will be a simple exercise in self-gratification; it's just another way to express my opinion to everybody, as if I needed another method.  But I hope, as time goes on, that something good will come of it.  Maybe I'll exercise my creativity, maybe it will become my tool of accountability in a life lacking discipline, or maybe it will just be random crap.  I guess it will depend on the day.

I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions.  I can appreciate the idea of starting over, using the date as an excuse to make a necessary change in your life - or at least one YOU think is necessary, and frankly, your opinion is the one that counts.  However, I also see them as a way to continually, year after year, set yourself up for failure, because with very few exceptions, you know you aren't going to stick to it.  Did I mention that I'm a cynic?  No need, I suppose - you'll figure that out rather quickly.  All of that being said, I feel the need to make some changes, so, like all the other media-fed sheep, I'm going to use the new year as a motivating factor to get my ass in gear.  I think I'll try something different with the structure - the idea of only changing one thing for the entire year bores me to tears.  So, to keep things interesting, I am going to do something different each month, and post the process for the whole world to see.  Will that make me stick to it?  There's only one way to find out. 

For January, I will try to do something nice for somebody else every day.  I think most people already engage in this, so to you I say - thanks for making me look bad.  My turn to catch up.  I'll be the first to admit that I am basically a selfish person.  It isn't so much that I don't give to others and keep all for myself, but I truly find it difficult to give of myself to others.  I'm just not that impressed with the source material, so I think everyone else will feel the same way.  However, this attitude hasn't improved my life in any way, so I think it's time for a change.  Did I actually get started today?  I'll say yes - but I'll spare you the details.  :)
Tomorrow, Dave and I will be going over to a friend's house to work on repairs and cleaning so she can get it on the market.  I'm sure random thoughts will pass through as I wash windows, so you may see them here tomorrow, if they're worth posting.

As part of my excessive self-indulgence, I'm going to post movie stuff on here ALL THE TIME.  Please feel free to participate and comment - you know they're my favorite hobby.

Movie Quote of the Day - "I am Spartacus!"  (not from Spartacus, but That Thing You Do!)