Monday, January 3, 2011

The Power of Music

I have found myself slipping away from my passion for music the last few years, as I indulge in other forms of media.  Today, I'm asking myself why - I ALWAYS feel better when I'm listening to, performing or playing music.  As I sit here ruminating, I am listening to Mike's playlist on UStream.  Such wonderful gems floating by - John Lennon, Boz Scaggs, Little River Band, Tom Jones (yes, THAT Tom Jones) - and it reminds me of how easy it is to leave behind those things that really have meaning to us, while we worry about the things we think are important right now (and really aren't).  Music has the power to bring back memories, strengthen friendships and get them started, make us break into song, dance with joy, make a bad day better, connect us to people we may have nothing more in common with than love of a single song.  Music really is the universal language, and I am grateful that God blessed me with the gift of being able to make it as well as appreciate it.  Right now I'm listening to "Six Months in a Leaky Boat" by Split Enz - it reminds me of being a teenager, with no more responsibility than cleaning my room and going to school, hanging out with my best friend and singing at the top of our lungs in the car.  Of course, when I listen to this song in the car, I still sing at the top of my lungs - how can you not?   Music has connected me to some of the best friends I have.  Mike and I met because of our mutual love of music, and despite our difficulties, it has kept us friends, for which I am grateful - not only because I need a good tech when my stuff breaks down, but because he has much better resources for putting all these tunes together.  :)  Haha.  So today, I am ignoring my TV, and using my computer to listen to tunes courtesy of my favorite DJ.  And sometime in the near future, I intend to get my hands on a keyboard and start playing again.  It's time.

Movie Song of the Day - "Run and Tell That"  from Hairspray

P.S.  Pete Postlethwaite, one of the most amazing actors on the planet, passed away Sunday after a long battle with cancer.  RIP, Pete - we'll never forget you.

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