Well, you have to start somewhere. I'm sure that to start with, this blog will be a simple exercise in self-gratification; it's just another way to express my opinion to everybody, as if I needed another method. But I hope, as time goes on, that something good will come of it. Maybe I'll exercise my creativity, maybe it will become my tool of accountability in a life lacking discipline, or maybe it will just be random crap. I guess it will depend on the day.
I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions. I can appreciate the idea of starting over, using the date as an excuse to make a necessary change in your life - or at least one YOU think is necessary, and frankly, your opinion is the one that counts. However, I also see them as a way to continually, year after year, set yourself up for failure, because with very few exceptions, you know you aren't going to stick to it. Did I mention that I'm a cynic? No need, I suppose - you'll figure that out rather quickly. All of that being said, I feel the need to make some changes, so, like all the other media-fed sheep, I'm going to use the new year as a motivating factor to get my ass in gear. I think I'll try something different with the structure - the idea of only changing one thing for the entire year bores me to tears. So, to keep things interesting, I am going to do something different each month, and post the process for the whole world to see. Will that make me stick to it? There's only one way to find out.
For January, I will try to do something nice for somebody else every day. I think most people already engage in this, so to you I say - thanks for making me look bad. My turn to catch up. I'll be the first to admit that I am basically a selfish person. It isn't so much that I don't give to others and keep all for myself, but I truly find it difficult to give of myself to others. I'm just not that impressed with the source material, so I think everyone else will feel the same way. However, this attitude hasn't improved my life in any way, so I think it's time for a change. Did I actually get started today? I'll say yes - but I'll spare you the details. :)
Tomorrow, Dave and I will be going over to a friend's house to work on repairs and cleaning so she can get it on the market. I'm sure random thoughts will pass through as I wash windows, so you may see them here tomorrow, if they're worth posting.
As part of my excessive self-indulgence, I'm going to post movie stuff on here ALL THE TIME. Please feel free to participate and comment - you know they're my favorite hobby.
Movie Quote of the Day - "I am Spartacus!" (not from Spartacus, but That Thing You Do!)
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